RWM Brother John Creighton Halliday –
I was installed into the chair of King Solomon in November 2014 and continued as RWM of Lodge Pollok, Pollokshields No. 772 for two years. I was the third master to hold that position for two consecutive years.
2014 – Installing Masters PMs Bro. James M. Gray & Bro. Neil S. D. Walker
When it became common knowledge that I was going into the chair I was approached by the Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary’s Chapel) No. 1 and asked if I would propose the toast to the Lodge at their annual installation and festival of St John in December 2014. I of course accepted and a good evening was had by all, amongst many good friends. The friendship between No. 772 and No. 1 goes back more than a hundred years.
In 2015 Lodge Pollok celebrated its 125th anniversary and it was my pleasure to host a special dinner to honour this auspicious occasion. The dinner took place in the Pollokshields Burgh Hall in May of that year. Before the dinner commenced Bro. Bill McNish presented me with a Mason’s Maul, a lovely gift from a lovely man. Lodge St Molios (Isle of Arran) No. 774 also celebrated the same birthday as Lodge Pollok and Bro. Bill was a member of both Lodges. Sadly, he is no longer with us as he passed to the Grand Lodge above in 2020.
2015 – Installing Masters PMs Bro. Derek L. Rankin & Bro. Hector J. Munro
I was asked to officiate at other Lodge installations, it was certainly a busy time, but I enjoyed every minute of it and met so many kind and generous people.
It is the oldest cliche in Freemasonry that visiting is the lifeline of Freemasonry. I did visit extensively, and it certainly paid off as our numbers at Lodge Pollok meetings were greatly enhanced by visiting brethren. I visited in eight different provinces which took me to Lodge Mother Kilwinning No. 0, Lodge Kelburne (the Isle of Cumbrae) No. 459 and Lodge Peebles Kilwinning No. 24, the latter Lodge celebrated their 300th anniversary in October 2016. Grand Lodge was in attendance and to say the least their floor work was outstanding, in fact they are in a class of their own. It was a wonderful day and on this occasion Bro. David Mackenzie accompanied me, as he did on many other occasions.
The accompanying photograph was taken on a visit to Lodge Scoon & Perth No. 3 in April 2016.
Lodge Pollok is twinned with Lodge Albrecht Dürer No. 527, Nuremberg, German constitution. We have been twinned for over 30 years and many friendships have been formed. Our visits are on a biennial format. When our German brothers and sisters visit Glasgow the Pollok families act as hosts to our visitors and the same courtesy is afforded to us when we visit Nuremberg.
Two very successful dinner dances were held at the Holiday Inn, East Kilbride and two successful trophy nights took place in the Pollokshields Burgh Hall when trophies for golf, bowls, fishing and curling were presented.
Finally, I would like to thank all concerned for their support over my two years, and in particular, Bros. Robert Garrity, Hector Munro, Derek Rankin and David Mackenzie.