November 1975 – November 1976

RWM Brother Kitson S. Carey –

I was initiated into Lodge Pollok (Pollokshields) No. 772 on the 26th December, 1967 and in the following years held several offices.

I was installed as Master in November 1975 and, at that time, was the youngest Master ever. I consider it a great honour to have been the Master of such a wonderful Lodge as Pollok 772.

The highlight of my year as Master was the visit of The Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason of Scotland, Captain Robert Wolrige Gordon of Esslemont. It was Tuesday 26th October, 1976 and the ritual that evening was a Mark Ceremony. The GMM and his deputation were made most welcome and before retiring he was asked to accept Honorary membership of Lodge Pollok which he graciously accepted, and signed the Roll Book.

I also had the pleasure of presenting Distinguished Service Membership Jewels to two of our senior Past Masters.

In November 1979, I was installed as Secretary of the Lodge and remained in that office for 29 years. During that time, I was involved in organising the Centenary Celebrations of 1990. The re-dedication ceremony was held in the Burgh Hall and the Reception at the City Chambers with the Lord Provost being the guest of honour.

I was also involved with the twinning of of Lodge Pollok and Lodge Albrecht Durer No. 527 of Nuremberg, Germany. This has proved to be a wonderful Masonic union resulting in both Masonic and personal friendships between the members and their families.

I am very proud and honoured to have installed nine Masters into the chair at Lodge Pollok.

I am now the Senior Past Master of the Lodge and for the past few years have held the Office of Almoner which I enjoy immensely. It gives me the opportunity to to visit our dependents on behalf of the brethren to assure them that they are remembered and still remain part of our Lodge.

I look forward to spending many more years in the company of the brethren of Lodge Pollok.